For CEREC, Boerne, TX, Residents come to Dr. Kurt Mackie

added on: November 12, 2015

At Dr. Kurt Mackie Dentistry in Boerne, TX, we understand that you may not want to hear us say the words, “You have a tooth that needs a dental crown.” Fortunately, we have a service that will make that news more bearable. With CEREC we can restore your tooth in just one visit.

A tooth may need a dental crown for a number of different reasons, including severe decay, a deep crack that threatens the tooth’s structure, or to protect a tooth that has recently undergone root canal therapy. Your 78006 dentist places a crown to fully encase that damaged tooth. Very often, a dental crown can mean the difference between preserving a tooth and losing tooth—which always necessitates more extensive treatment.

CEREC Dental Crowns Boerne, TX, Trusts

CEREC is an in-office system that allows your Boerne, TX, family dentist to design, build and place your crown in one visit. Usually, a dental crown requires two visits: one to prep the tooth and place a temporary crown and the second to place the permanent crown. CEREC condenses all of that into one convenient appointment. And with CEREC, there’s no need for an impression, an uncomfortable step for some of our patients.

Included in the CEREC system is a digital infrared camera with which we capture a clear image of your tooth; 3D CAD (computer aided design) software that allows us to design the crown; and lastly an in-office milling unit that fabricates your CEREC dental crown in about 20 minutes.

If Dr. Mackie determines that a CEREC crown is the right restoration for your tooth, then we’ll schedule the one and only appointment you’ll need. At this visit, we’ll take a digital photo before Dr. Mackie preps your tooth and another image afterwards. The first image ensures that your CEREC crown fits seamlessly alongside your other teeth, and the second image ensures the crown fits perfectly on top of the prepared tooth.

These images are wirelessly transferred to CEREC’s computerized system, which creates a model of your tooth in order to design your crown. Included in the design is the precise form, color and unique biting surface the crown will need to have. In turn, this design is sent to our CEREC milling until that carves your dental crown from a small block of porcelain or composite resin. In about 15 to 20 minutes, the milling process is complete.

Dr. Mackie will check the crown for an accurate fit and then cement it into place. You’ll leave Dr. Kurt Mackie Dentistry with your smile restored and your schedule intact!

Call Our Office Today

If you would like to learn more about CEREC crowns, schedule a consultation today. We serve patients from Boerne, TX, as well as the surrounding areas.

About The Author
Dr. Kurt Mackie

After graduating from college, Dr. Kurt Mackie served as Captain in the United States Public Health Service (USPHS), becoming the dental director of Su Clinica Familiar. He later established a private practice in Harlingen after his service at the USPHS. Dr. Mackie completed postgraduate training at the L.D. Pankey Institute, earned Mastership at the Academy of General Dentistry, and co-founded the Seattle Study Club of the Rio Grande Valley.

Posted In: CEREC, Uncategorized