young woman at dentist

Have No Fear at Your Dentist This Year

added on: October 18, 2019

Two things: (1) It’s hard to believe that we’re closing out 2019 already. What happened to the rest of this year? (2) How is it already time for ghosts, ghouls, goblins, and all things Halloween? 

How do you and your family welcome fall and closeout October? Do you take in some of the local festivities? Do you get together with friends, complete with crazy costumes and treats? Everyone loves to have a good time this time of year, and maybe even have a good scare. However, we hope that being scared has nothing to do with how you feel about seeing a dentist in Boerne

For some patients, there’s nothing they dread more than being in the dentist’s chair. We get it! It’s enough to make you feel like you’re stuck in a bad Halloween movie. Have you ever felt this way? Do you still think this way about seeing the dentist? Don’t worry; you’re 100 percent NOT alone!

Dental Anxiety Affects Millions

The Cleveland Clinic says between 9% and 15% of Americans say they avoid going to the dentist because of anxiety or fear. Does this hit close to home for you or someone in your family? As your appointment approaches, so does the feeling of anxiety or uneasiness. Maybe your heart races and your palms begin to sweat. While this sounds like the beginning of a spooky campfire story, we know it’s all too real for patients who are afraid of seeing the dentist.

Your Boerne dentist wants you to know you’re not alone in your struggle! So many other Americans (approximately 30-40 million) are nervous about seeing the dentist, too. Please understand that there’s no reason to feel this way, not with us. We’re here to make sure you’re at ease and comfortable every visit, every step of the way.

We’re Always Here to Help You Stay Healthy

When you avoid seeing the dentist or cancel cleanings out of fear, you’re going to put your smile and yourself at risk. Coming to see us, allowing us to have a look at your smile, and getting a thorough cleaning is way less stressful than sitting at home worrying. Trust us!

Putting off taking care of your teeth can leave you with undetected problems that can lead to more significant, more extensive health issues in the future, such as: 

– Periodontal or gum disease with red, bleeding gums

– Loosening or shifting in your teeth

– Teeth that fall out

– Receding gums 

– Noticeable lousy breath or dry mouth

You’re Backed By Cool Tools and Technology

There’s nothing to be nervous or scared about if you’ve got an appointment scheduled with us. You should even feel a little excited about coming to see us. We’re going to make sure your every minute with us is comfortable and stress-free. We’ve also got an incredibly talented and highly trained team equipped with the right tools and technology to help you feel at home. 

Like we’ve said, you’re not alone in your struggles with dental anxiety. We’ve helped so many patients like you with dental fears and anxieties move on and get the dental care that they deserve. Don’t live in fear this Halloween because of an upcoming appointment at our dental office in Boerne. Talk to us about how we can help you today!

About The Author
Dr. Kurt Mackie

After graduating from college, Dr. Kurt Mackie served as Captain in the United States Public Health Service (USPHS), becoming the dental director of Su Clinica Familiar. He later established a private practice in Harlingen after his service at the USPHS. Dr. Mackie completed postgraduate training at the L.D. Pankey Institute, earned Mastership at the Academy of General Dentistry, and co-founded the Seattle Study Club of the Rio Grande Valley.